Our Director


Our director of 30 years is Laura Pallas, an accomplished musician, performer, and regional and international competitor who specializes in vocal production and technique. She holds an M.F.A. in Vocal Pedagogy, is a member of the Sweet Adelines Regional Faculty, and was awarded the title of "Master Director" in 2009 when The Santa Monica Chorus scored 620 points at the Region 11 Contest. She also was awarded Director of the Year in 2011 for helping us win the Regional 11 Chorus Championship.

Laura also coaches quartets and choruses around the country and the world. Laura also sang lead in the internationally competitive quartets, Naturally, Region 11 Quartet Champions in 2005 and Gotta Sing! which went to the 2022 International Competition as a Wildcard Quartet.

smiling headshot of Director Laura Pallas Singer